Read below to find out what roles are available and how to apply for them!

The deadline to apply is Thursday 6th March at 12PM 

Do you want to make a difference, improve life on campus and earn endless rewards? Have you ever wanted to develop and add to the way your ISOC functions? Now is your chance, by becoming a committee member! 


Please refer to the slideshow above for a detailed description of all the roles. 


As President you must oversee all aspects of ISOC, whilst being able to solve problems and make decisions within Islamic guidelines. Moreover, you must also maintain the committee's wellbeing, whilst maintaining diplomacy. 

Vice President

This is similar to the President role, but you will be aiding the President in their duties. You will also find yourself working within the various ULISOC teams, helping out where necessary. Furthermore, you may be called upon to be Acting President if necessary. 


As Treasurer, you will be overseeing the financial side of ISOC. This will involve budgeting, raising money, as well as establishing sponsorships and working with other businesses. Being financially creative and literate here is key!

General Secretary

As the General Secretary, your role is to maintain the admin side of ISOC. This involves managing files and forms, preserving information as well as keeping minutes during meetings.

Head Sister/Head Brother

Your role will be ensuring your fellow Muslims on campus are well accommodated, welcoming new members, as well as increasing participation and engagement. Interacting with the members and helping out at socials is also key.

Head of Welfare

As Head of Welfare, you will be maintaining student welfare across campus, and signposting people to the relevant services. You will also have to plan creative events and campaigns to for mental health awareness and wellbeing. 

Head of Publicity & Media

Your role will be to create stunning posters and social media posts for our events! This involves maintaining a high level of quality and creativity as well as managing our social media. This roles is perfect for those with basic graphic design and social media skills! 

Head of Campaigns

As Head of Campaigns, your role will be planning and leading campaigns such as Charity Week, BADG and Ramadan. You will be working with teams of volunteers to achieve this. This role also involves creativity and project management skills as you will need to address relevant campaigns throughout the year such as Islamophobia Awareness Month and Al-Aqsa Week. 

Head of Jumuʿah & Facilities

This roles involves ensuring ISOC facilities are kept to a high standard, organising Jumuʿah and other prayers (such as tarawih) as well as focusing on developing our facilities on campus. This also involves managing a team of volunteers. Endless rewards are attached to this role as you facilitate the prayers of Muslims on campus! 

Head of Educations

Your responsibilities will be to organise talks and workshops on Islam and relevant topics for people to gain knowledge. Additionally, you will have to find creative solutions to educate people on Islam, such as through Discover Islam Week, or Islamophobia Awareness Month! 

Sisters' Sports & Socials/Brothers' Sports & Socials

These roles involve organising sports and social events such as football, bowling, pizza nights and more. You will be working with a team of volunteers to come up with ideas and bring them to fruition. This role is key in ensuring Muslims have a safe space to socialise and engage with sport.



Follow the steps below to nominate yourself for a position: 

If you have any questions, feel free to message a Committee Member on one of our chats, or contact us on Instagram (@ULISOC), or by emailing us